Automated Guided Vehicle

Automated Guided Vehicle

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are flexible goods transportation vehicles that do not require human intervention and are used across various industries and production processes. They significantly improve the operational productivity of factories.

Introduction to Automated Guided Vehicle

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are increasingly becoming a key factor in enhancing the efficiency of logistics operations and warehouse management. With the ability to move autonomously and accurately within warehouse spaces, AGVs help minimize human intervention, enhance safety, and optimize workflow processes. AGVs can perform various tasks, from transporting goods and organizing warehouses to supporting production lines. Equipped with advanced technologies such as sensors and navigation systems, AGVs not only improve accuracy and processing speed but also minimize human errors. The widespread application of AGVs is gradually transforming the logistics industry, bringing significant cost and efficiency benefits to businesses.

Technical Specifications of Automated Guided Vehicle

  • Direction of Movement: Forward, backward, left, right.
  • Battery Charging Time: 6-10 hours.
  • Maximum Battery Operating Time: Over 16 hours.
  • Movement Speed: 35-50 meters per minute.
  • Load Capacity: 500 – 3000 kilograms.

The Structural Components of Automated Guided Vehicle

To operate autonomously and intelligently, AGV robots are designed based on the combination of the following key components:
  • Server Software: This controls and remotely communicates to ensure the smooth operation of AGVs without interruption.
  • Control Center: For AGVs to operate independently, a programmed control unit is set up. It can coordinate multiple AGVs to function according to the management and zoning of the operation center.
  • Path Detection Sensor: This crucial component allows the robot to determine the location of goods and designated work areas coordinated by the operator. It accurately memorizes the warehouse layout.
  • Obstacle Detection Sensor: Equipped with obstacle detection sensors, AGVs stop or find alternate routes when detecting an obstacle or person within the recognition area, avoiding any impact.
  • AGV Frame: Made from high-quality steel, ensuring excellent load-bearing capacity, safety, and stability during lifting and lowering.
  • Driver and Motor: These components reflect the operational power of the robot. Depending on usage needs, businesses can choose AGVs with appropriate motors. For instance, AGVs with a load capacity of 1500-3000 kilograms typically have one driver and motor, while those with a load capacity of 5000-10000 kilograms may have 2-3 drivers and motors.
  • User Interface: Includes screen, indicator lights, buttons, etc., facilitating easy adaptation and control of the vehicle.
  • Battery and Charger on the Vehicle: Depending on the AGV brand, the battery used could be Lithium, lead-acid, or dry batteries.

Advantages of Automated Guided Vehicle

AGV robots are mainly used in production plants or finished goods warehouses. Establishing an automated working system helps businesses improve production efficiency compared to traditional transportation methods. Here are some benefits of using AGVs:

Reduce Labor Costs

AGVs can replace humans in transporting heavy goods pallets, operating independently without human intervention, thus eliminating potential issues caused by employee skill levels and reducing labor costs for the business.

Ensure Safety

AGVs operate based on pre-programmed languages, ensuring high accuracy and absolute safety during transportation. Additionally, AGVs function stably in harsh environments like cold storage or high-temperature production areas without interruption. Each robot is equipped with sensors to detect obstacles and humans, thereby enhancing workplace safety.

Increase Labor Productivity

AGVs operate continuously without needing breaks, stopping only when the power level is critically low. Therefore, factory productivity is significantly improved. Efficiency further enhances when integrated with other automated systems like conveyor belts, Shuttle Robots, AMRs, etc.

Easily Replace and Upgrade Equipment

Most current AGV models allow easy replacement of parts and components. For units requiring higher load capacity than initially needed without additional investment costs, engine upgrade services are also available, including battery usage.

Quick and Convenient Battery Charging

Depending on the specific AGV model, batteries can be charged directly in the vehicle or swapped out at a station, allowing for quick and uninterrupted warehouse operations.

Operation of Automated Guided Vehicle

After the production process is complete, most products are not immediately delivered to customers. They need to be stored while awaiting customer demand and then transported and delivered as needed. At this stage, AGVs are used to move waiting shipment boxes within the warehouse. These tasks are repetitive and tedious for workers. Using AGVs can reduce product damage and worker injuries while ensuring no delays in loading and unloading goods.

Impact of AGVs on the Manufacturing Industry

There is no denying that the efficiency of most factories using AGVs in their systems has improved. The benefits of AGVs include minimizing errors in lifting and moving processes, handling tasks around the factory faster and more easily, reducing company production costs, allowing more revenue to be used for product improvements, and increasing worker safety in the factory.

Differences between AGVs and AMRs

AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots) combine advanced technology, making them more intelligent than AGVs. They are complex and flexible, more sophisticated, and require some changes and upgrades for different tasks. With improved autonomy, AMRs are designed to quickly adapt to navigation changes. However, since AMR technology is relatively new, its capabilities are still limited. In the case of self-learning AMRs, there is still room for errors and adjustments, which could increase the initial workload. Managing large fleets of AMRs can be challenging, but AGVs handle it relatively well. Autonomous mobile robots have the strongest functions in complex environments requiring autonomy, whereas guided vehicles suit operations without frequent changes.

The above information provides a basic overview of AGVs provided by Eurorack. If you have any questions during your research, please contact us for prompt support.

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