Eurorack Supermarket Shelves

Eurorack Supermarket Shelves

Eurorack supermarket shelves with modern design, diverse styles and colors meet all customer needs. Supermarket shelves are produced directly at the Eurorack factory using European and Japanese standard technology lines.

Introduction to supermarket shelves

Eurorack supermarket shelves with modern design, diverse styles and colors meet all customer needs. Supermarket shelves are produced directly at the Eurorack factory using European and Japanese standard technology lines.

Kệ siêu thị Eurorack


Supermarket shelves are a line of iron shelves specialized for displaying products. Depending on the region, it has different names. Supermarket shelves have an eye-catching, modern design used to display and introduce products to customers. However, in addition, they are also applied to a variety of industries depending on different purposes with different sizes, designs and colors.

The number of floors of supermarket shelves is also customizable according to customer needs.


Supermarket shelf models commonly offered on the market often have the following technical specifications:

• Standard sizes: Height (1200mm, 1500mm, 1800mm, 2100mm, etc.), Length (700mm, 900mm, 1200mm, 1800mm, 3500mm, 4500mm, etc.), Width (330mm, 440mm, 760mm, 820mm, 900mm, 950mm , .v.v)

• Base thickness: 1.4mm

• Loading capacity: 50 - 150kg/floor. Depending on storage needs, design storage floors with different loads

• Rolled steel tray has edges 0.8 - 0.85mm thick. A place to put goods on top.

• Square mesh frame shelf specifications (Length x width): 20 x 20mm, 0.9mm thick.

• Number of floors: From 3 - 8 floors. The number of floors can be individually designed depending on the customer's requirements and product size.

• Material: 100% iron material.

• Color: white - red, white - blue, white - yellow,... Each supermarket will use different colors to create its own characteristics and bring the best experience to customers.

• Surface treatment: Supermarket iron shelves will be electrostatically painted or galvanized to increase durability, reduce scratches as well as limit metal corrosion.

Structure of Supermarket shelf

Supermarket shelves have a very simple structure, including only the following 3 main details:

  1. Pillar base: Is the column frame that bears the load of the entire system.
  2. Tole tray: is where the product is placed.
  3. Grid frame: Product separators help divide the space between products placed on them and classify them more effectively.

Advantages of supermarket shelves

Belonging to the light medium load shelf product line, supermarket shelves have the following advantages:

Optimize space

With a multi-layered design, supermarket shelves will help you store more goods. Each floor can scientifically classify and arrange goods by area without expanding the store or warehouse area.


Supermarket shelves are compact and lightweight, so they are easy to assemble or move when needed.

The parts are connected together through screws and bolts, so self-installation is not a big problem for users.

High aesthetics

Supermarket shelves have a sophisticated and highly aesthetic design. However, depending on the high-end or low-cost supermarket shelves, the design, color and durability will also be different.

To meet aesthetic criteria while still ensuring safety and durability, modern production processes are needed. Especially the weld joints are the biggest factor affecting the quality of iron shelves. This also has a significant impact on consumers' shopping experience.

Solid and durable structure

What makes the difference between supermarket shelves and other types of shelves is the emphasis on aesthetics. But do you believe that supermarket shelves can have a durability of more than 10 years? These product display shelves are not only beautiful to attract customers, help make products more compact and beautiful, but also save investment costs. They are widely used in: supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, shopping centers, large bookstores, etc.

Diverse designs

Depending on the purpose of use, supermarket shelves are designed in many different designs. Some popular supermarket shelf models include:

  • Supermarket shelf with mesh back
  • Supermarket shelves with corrugated iron backs
  • Supermarket shelves with perforated corrugated iron backs
  • Single supermarket shelf
  • Double supermarket shelves…

For each different store, there are different product display needs. Therefore, in addition to basic shelf models, supermarkets and large shopping centers also need separate shelf designs, consistent with the general style and color of the whole store.

Understanding that, Eurorack always has different solutions for customers. Besides the available models, we still accept custom designs for each store, helping you get the best choice. This is something that small-scale, manual production shops cannot do.

Eurorack - Manufacturer of supermarket shelves

Thanks to the combination of modern production techniques, Eurorack's supermarket shelves offer outstanding economic benefits. Product quality is rated highest on the market today. Each component is meticulously processed and installed. We do not use traditional water painting methods but apply advanced electrostatic painting technology. , Before painting, the shelf parts are also processed through 7 chemical tanks to completely remove the oxide layer on the surface. This method not only ensures a smoother paint layer but also creates a durable block.

At Eurorack, our warehouse racking products are manufactured using advanced production lines imported from Europe and Japan, ensuring outstanding quality and durability. Every step of our production process is carefully planned in detail to ensure that each product delivered to our customers is perfect down to the smallest detail.

Our supermarket shelves are specially designed to display a variety of lightweight goods. Understanding that, Eurorack also places great emphasis on the design, style and color of the shelves.

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