Eurorack VNA Racking

Eurorack VNA Racking

VNA stands for Very Narrow Aisle, referring to the narrow aisle. VNA racks are a type of storage rack system designed to maximize space in warehouses by using the narrowest aisles possible.

Brief Introduction to VNA Racking - Very Narrow Aisle Racking

If you are looking for a storage rack that maximizes warehouse height, you can not overlook VNA racks. This article focuses on analyzing the detailed structure, technical specifications, functions, and advantages of these racks to help customers accurately assess whether this is the right choice for their warehouse.

Eurorack VNA Racking

VNA Racking with narrow aisles optimizes storage space by up to 40%

VNA stands for Very Narrow Aisle, referring to the narrow aisle. VNA racks are a type of storage rack system designed to maximize space in warehouses by using the narrowest aisles possible. VNA is used to store goods in warehouses or factories with limited space, where warehouse space is a crucial issue for building a storage rack system.

VNA racks are heavy-duty racks that allow for optimal horizontal storage space utilization while effectively utilizing the warehouse’s height. Minimizing aisle width to 1.5 to 2m and featuring an impressive height design, nowadays VNA racks easily rank among the most professional storage rack models.

Technical specifications of VNA Pallet Racking

  • Average load capacity: 500 - 5000 kg per level.
  • Optimal height per row: 15-18m (Adjustable based on warehouse scale).
  • Length per row: 2.5 to 4m.
  • Aisle width <2m (Dependent on cargo size and forklift dimensions).
  • Allows forklifts to access the load for loading and unloading 100%.
  • Material: Premium steel, electrostatic powder coating, and high-quality galvanized.
  • Colors: Standard green, orange, grey, or as per request.

Eurorack VNA Racking

The distance between the aisles of VNA shelves is less than 2 meters

The structural components of the VNA Racking

The Eurorack VNA rack system is made from high-grade steel, surface treated and powder-coated to prevent rust, ensuring safety for warehouse operators and safe storage of goods.

  • Omega uprights: One of the key components of most racking systems. The uprights increase the load-bearing capacity for the entire warehouse rack system.
  • Horizontal and diagonal braces: Connected with the omega uprights to provide stability and safety for the entire system.
  • Beam: Functions as both a connector between two sets of upright frames and a place to put pallets containing goods on top.
  • Guiding rail: Guides the forklift.

Additionally, based on the usage and different types of racks, we will provide the best solutions to ensure safety and long-term efficiency.

Eurorack VNA Racking

Simple structure, suitable for use in warehouses with narrow areas

Outstanding advantages of VNA Pallet Racking

  • Aisle optimization: By not allowing for empty spaces, VNA racks are designed with narrow aisles for specialized forklifts to move, concentrating warehouse space to improve storage density.
  • Increased space utilization: Optimized space means goods are arranged densely and high, reaching the roof of the warehouse. Wasting space is impossible with this rack.
  • Installing VNA racks saves a considerable amount of budget for professional warehouse operations.
  • High durability: VNA racks have strict technical requirements, with all components selected from high-grade steel, rust-resistant powder coating, strong oxidation resistance, and minimal wear and tear when in close contact with the warehouse roof.
  • Goods can be accessed from any position: While concentrating on improving storage density affects accessibility, the VNA system still allows smooth loading and unloading operations by favoring a specific aisle width.
  • Economic efficiency: Investing in installing and directly owning a professional VNA rack system not only brings immediate storage efficiency but also helps businesses save on repair or replacement costs for the rack system over an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years.
  • Allows for high-level storage, reaching the roof of the warehouse, making VNA racks top choices for professional rack systems.

Eurorack VNA Racking

Eurorack VNA racks efficiently handle heavy loads with narrow spaces

Operation of VNA Racks - Very Narrow Aisle

As a pallet storage solution in narrow warehouse spaces, VNA racks optimize space and efficiently increase storage capacity. Here is the basic operation of VNA racks:

  • The assigned personnel for picking goods must choose a specialized forklift suitable for safe and fast operation within the VNA system.
  • Next, the operator carefully drives the forklift into the aisle between the rack rows to proceed with loading and unloading goods.

*Note: Due to VNA rack installations are designed for small-scale warehouses, the aisle space has been minimized to accommodate only one forklift. This may pose challenges for inexperienced forklift operators.

Which type of warehouse should use VNA racks?

Although commonly used in warehouses today for their flexibility and space optimization, VNA racks are also suitable for warehouses with the following characteristics:

  • Warehouses requiring direct and immediate access to each pallet, while also needing to optimize available space.
  • Warehouses with a variety of different load types.
  • Warehouses storing non-uniform products requiring high turnover rates.
  • Warehouses with limited floor space but significant height advantages.

Eurorack VNA Racking

VNA Racking are suitable for all types of warehouses with narrow areas and high storage density

Eurorack - A manufacturer of quality VNA racks, with a 5-year warranty

Selecting a reliable supplier of warehouse rack systems is crucial for any company. Eurorack prides itself on being a unit that possesses all the elements to become a trustworthy strategic partner. With nearly 15 years of experience, we have executed warehouse rack projects on a scale of thousands of square meters. Some prestigious clients include Pepsico, Nestle, DKSH, Sanko, etc.

Eurorack VNA Racking

Eurorack specializes in manufacturing and installing VNA racks with narrow aisles without intermediaries

Why Choose VNA Racking from Eurorack?

  • Eurorack uses Steel Plate Cold-Rolled Carbon (SPCC) as raw material. This material produces products that are more beautiful, sturdy, and durable over time.
  • Free on-site survey policy, solution consulting, and design simulation in 2D, 3D as per customer needs.
  • Satisfy all business needs for color, size, and technical specifications to ensure the best fit for storing goods in the warehouse.
  • High-tech automated manufacturing system. Along with a professional installation team, ensuring consistent products and on-time delivery.
  • As a direct manufacturer, Eurorack handles everything from receiving customer needs to manufacturing, transportation, and installation. Optimizing transaction time for customers.

If your company needs to install warehouse racks in general and VNA racks in particular, please contact Eurorack for consultation.

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