• Terms Of Use

Terms Of Use

  • 30/06/2021

Eurorack is responsible for ensuring the legality of providing the Website to USERS, that the information, images and all content posted on the Website do not violate legal prohibitions and regulations on pure customs and traditions.


- Establish an agreement between website USERS and the Company.

- The Company's responsibility is to ensure the legality of the content on the Website.

- It is the USER's responsibility to comply with the terms and conditions of use as prescribed by the Company when accessing and/or using any utilities from the Eurorack website.

- Eurorack is responsible for ensuring the legality of providing the Website to USERS, that the information, images and all content posted on the Website do not violate legal prohibitions and regulations on pure customs and traditions.

- USERS agree to be responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of website use as stated below;

- USERS agree to be responsible for carefully reading the terms of use and binding commitments. In case the USER does not agree, he/she will terminate the use;

- Terms of use take effect from the moment USERS begin accessing the website


Declaration of the Company's Intellectual Property rights for the rights objects displayed on the website

- This website and all of its contents, including but not limited to text, design, graphics, interfaces, images and code, are copyrighted by Eurorack or its third party licensors. Eurorack. Eurorack's copyright is shown on the website with the English words "Copyright © 2024 Eurorack.com.vn. All rights reserved. ".

- Any content on this website regarding trademarks, trade names, etc. is owned by Eurorack and is protected according to the provisions of Vietnam Intellectual Property Law and related documents.

- Any act of copying, modifying, distributing, publishing, circulating... for commercial purposes without Eurorack's prior written permission is an infringement of Eurorack's rights. Eurorack has the right to request USER to terminate use and compensate for damages (if any).



- Update all aspects of EURORACK MECHANICAL JOINT STOCK COMPANY's activities so that employees, shareholders, partners, and management agencies can conveniently monitor and look up information.

- Information is posted on the website for the purpose of benefiting the community and consumers.

Rights and responsibilities of Eurorack:

- Eurorack has the right to change and/or terminate the content and features of the website without prior notice to USERS. USERS are responsible for regularly updating the terms and conditions in this notice. .

- Eurorack reserves the right to implement security measures to protect and prevent unauthorized access or unauthorized modification, disclosure or destruction of information.

- Eurorack does not represent or undertake any responsibility to endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or information from other sources or from any USER on this Website.

- When using the websites, information will be transmitted over a medium beyond Eurorack's control. Accordingly, Eurorack is not responsible for or in connection with any delay, failure or interruption of any data or other information transmitted in connection with the use of the website.

- Personal information such as USER's address, email and cookies may be used internally to maintain member records, for marketing purposes and to alert customers/members of additional services . The phone number may also be used by Eurorack when product-related questions are asked to be answered. Eurorack does not disclose any information about individual users to third parties except to comply with the law or valid legal process.

- All non-private information and documents posted by USERS on the website are not considered confidential information, and Eurorack has full rights to use or transmit for any purpose. . In particular, Eurorack is permitted to use any ideas or concepts that the USER has submitted to the website for all purposes without limitation, including development, production, advertising or marketing. product marketing. Eurorack is not responsible for compensating or rewarding the supplier.

- USERS must be aware and ensure that the information and documents that USERS send must be within the USER's rights of use; That means Eurorack will not violate any third party's rights.

- Eurorack does not necessarily accept all materials submitted by USER.

Terms of Use COOKIES

A cookie is a small text file that can identify a unique login name from the USER's computer to Eurorack's server when the USER accesses certain pages on the website and will be saved by the internet browser. USER's computer hard drive. Cookies are used to identify IP addresses and save time. Eurorack uses cookies to facilitate USERS' use of the website and to transmit content and messages related to USERS' information needs. USER'S browser may be set aside for use
