Eurorack Selective Racking

Eurorack Selective Racking

Selective racking is a warehouse storage system that allows for the storage of a variety of product types. With aisle widths of up to 3.5m, 100% accurate pallet access. Compatible with all motorized forklifts, allowing quick and efficient operation.

Brief Introduction to Selective Racking

Selective racking is the most commonly used heavy-duty storage system in warehouses today. To determine if this is the optimal choice for your warehouse, you need to understand what selective racking is and the type of warehouse suitable for its use. In this post, Eurorack will help you gain a better overview of this rack system. Let's take a look!

Eurorack Selective Racking

Selective Pallet Racking - Flexible Pallet Storage Solution, Suitable for Various Warehouse Standards

Selective racking is a warehouse storage system that allows for the storage of a variety of product types. With aisle widths of up to 3.5m, this storage system provides convenient movement for all types of forklifts inside the warehouse, making loading and unloading operations simple.

With 100% accurate pallet access, a professional inventory management environment is established, facilitating smooth goods circulation. This system reduces the risk of damage and unnecessary collisions between forklifts and storage rack systems due to narrow aisles.

With low installation costs and no special forklift investment required, Selective Racking has become the top choice for industrial warehouses, especially in applications requiring continuous loading and unloading speeds. These warehouses may include food, pharmaceutical, fabric, and other types of warehouses.

Technical Specifications of Selective Racking

  • Load capacity: 6000 - 9000 kg per level.
  • Average height of 8m (can be increased depending on warehouse height).
  • Flexible multi-level structure.
  • Omega-shaped perforated uprights, sturdy cold-rolled steel.
  • European standard electrostatic powder coating for rust resistance and safety.
  • Shelf levels can be supplemented with metal trays, scientific steel mesh for storing goods.

The Selective Rack is assembled using bolts, making it easy to disassemble or move. In many cases, the height between racks can be conveniently adjusted to suit the specific requirements of different industries. It is compatible with various sizes and weights of goods.

The Structural Components of pallet Selective Racking

Selective racking consists of 6 component parts:

  • Load-bearing column frame: Omega-shaped to effectively increase load-bearing capacity. This component is responsible for supporting the entire system.
  • Frame linking beam: Distributes force between load-bearing columns.
  • Beam: Connects two load-bearing column frames and serves as the pallet placement area.
  • Support beam: Supports the beam to keep the pallet stable.
  • Protective column: Connects the load-bearing column to the floor and ensures system stability.
  • Guardrail: Protects the system from collisions with other equipment.

Eurorack Selective Racking

Selective Pallet Racking with steel mesh floor

Superior Advantages of Selective Pallet Racking

  • Selective pallet racking systems offer storage solutions even in small warehouses.
  • Allow storage of a variety of products with different specifications.
  • Can add steel decks, wooden boards, or wire mesh for tight inventory control.
  • Experience warehouse storage with 100% accurate pallet access.
  • Efficient inventory management, controlling stock movements using FIFO (First In, First Out) method.
  • Easy to change structure, upgrade, or relocate as needed.
  • High economic efficiency: durable steel racks, high load capacity, and safety.
  • Maximize cost savings by being compatible with most forklift types on the market.
  • Widely used in various industries: industrial, food, logistics, cold storage with temperatures as low as -60 degrees.

The Difference between Selective Racking and Double Deep Racking

To understand the similarities and differences between these two industrial rack models, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

Common Points

Both Selective and Double Deep racks have relatively similar design structures, consisting of the same 6 basic components as mentioned above. They are also used in warehouses to store heavy palletized goods.


  • Accessibility: Selective racks offer 100% accessibility, while Double Deep racks only offer 50%.
  • Storage density: Double Deep racks optimize storage space double that of Selective racks.
  • Investment cost: Selective racks have much lower investment costs compared to Double Deep racks.
  • Picking method: Selective racks are suitable for both FIFO (First In, First Out) and LIFO (Last In, First Out) methods, while Double Deep racks are only suitable for LIFO, which means items must be picked from the back to the front, making them unsuitable for short shelf-life products.

In conclusion, Selective and Double Deep racks each have their own pros and cons. To accurately evaluate which rack is best, it depends on your specific usage needs, as each type of rack will excel in different aspects.

If you want to store a large quantity of uniform goods, require low picking frequency, Double Deep racks are a suitable choice. However, if you need to store a variety of goods, with easy access for loading and unloading by all types of forklifts, then Selective racks are the top choice.

Eurorack Selective Racking

Selective racks allow forklifts to access pallets with a 100% rate

What type of warehouse should use Selective Racking?

Selective pallet racking can be used for a variety of applications, including food and beverage, among many other industries. Consider the following characteristics to determine if this storage system is suitable for your operations.

  • Warehouses with homogeneous or heterogeneous goods and high inventory turnover.
  • Storage of goods with special characteristics and unique structures, such as packaging rolls, cardboard boxes, plastic containers for crude oil, etc.
  • Cold storage for pharmaceuticals, vaccines, or food, requiring long-term storage from 6 months to 1 year.
  • Logistics warehouses storing a variety of goods, requiring protection against corrosion or oxidation due to weather conditions during use.

Eurorack Selective Racking

Galvanized Selective Pallet Racking for cold storage

Eurorack - Quality, Cost-effective Selective Pallet Rack Manufacturer

With nearly 15 years of experience in industrial storage rack and smart automated systems, Eurorack confidently positions itself as a reliable partner, providing the most efficient storage solutions for warehouses.

Eurorack Selective Racking

Eurorack deploys and installs Selective storage racking systems according to ISO 9001 standards

Designed to ISO 9001:2015 quality standards, Eurorack's storage racks come in various models and sizes for customers to choose from. Customers can also customize designs to fit their warehouse layouts. If a detailed layout is not available, Eurorack's team is ready to conduct on-site surveys and provide free design drawings.

Contact Eurorack now for detailed consultation.

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