Should We build an Intelligent Automated Rack System?

  • 15/08/2024
  • Eurorack JSC

Storage racks in warehouses are indispensable components. However, more modern automated robot racks are gradually replacing traditional warehouse rack constructions. Time and cost management are also being optimized with new software applications. So, in today's market economy, is it worth upgrading to an intelligent automated rack system? Let's explore this with Eurorack through the article below.

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Should We build an Intelligent Automated Rack System?

Exploring the Automated Rack System in Warehouses with Eurorack

What is an Automated Rack?

An automated rack (robotic rack - Auto rack system) is a form of automated storage system. This system includes storage racks in warehouses that utilize automation and robots with professional management software. Automated warehouse racks perform storage (sorting - input-output of goods) in the warehouse.

Warehouses handle continuous inflow and outflow of goods with diverse models and items, making human management and inventory control complex and difficult. Sorting and moving take up a lot of time and are prone to errors and confusion. Therefore, automated rack systems are an effective solution in the era of AI technology development.

Applications of Automated Robot Racks in Warehouses

Suitable for warehouses, storage yards storing diverse items, large quantities, and continuous inflow and outflow.

  • Automated racks help reduce labor costs and errors in the process of goods handling in the warehouse.
  • Simplifies inventory management without consuming as much time as before.

Pros and Cons of Automated Robot Racks

What are the strengths and weaknesses of intelligent automated racks?


  • Automated retrieval and flexible goods access storage system: This is one of the most modern storage solutions available today.
  • Robots and automated conveyors handle the task of transferring goods deep into the rack without the need for forklifts to enter. Consequently, minimizing collisions with palletized goods ensures the absolute safety of stored goods.
  • Controlled through software, the automated rack management system is professional. Automated picking - warehousing results in a speed that is 2 to 3 times faster.
  • Suitable for large-scale warehouses requiring high-speed, high-density inflow and outflow, and stringent inventory management and control.
  • Maximizing warehouse capacity: With the automated system, there's no need to leave space for movement between rack rows. Utilize warehouse space to its fullest extent for storage.
  • Control the entire process without requiring manual labor for picking goods like traditional warehouse rack systems.


Any form of warehouse rack construction will have limitations. Whether it's the ASRS automated robot rack system or the Robot Shuttle automated rack system, there are some limitations:

  • Higher construction and maintenance costs for automated industrial warehouse racks.
  • Requires a sufficiently large warehouse area for construction.
  • Software upgrades may be necessary (if required).

Structure of Automated Warehouse Rack System

The intelligent automated warehouse rack system consists of structures of robots receiving commands and automatically transporting goods. Depending on the type of storage rack, the structure of the automated warehouse rack system varies.

Should We build an Intelligent Automated Rack System?

Eurorack Shuttle automatic heavy-duty rack system

Classification of Automated Warehouse Rack Systems

Currently, there are two common types of automated storage racks:

Radio Shuttle Racks or Robot Shuttle Racks

These are industrial steel rack systems that use automated Shuttle Robots to transfer goods in and out of the racks. They utilize sensors and computer-controlled or remote-controlled operations, making storage and retrieval of goods quick and efficient without worrying about collisions with the racks as traditional pallet steel rack systems.

Structure of Radio Shuttle Automated Warehouse Rack:

  • It is an industrial warehouse rack system arranged in multiple consecutive rows without separating walkways.
  • Load-bearing upright columns are responsible for supporting the entire Shuttle system. The structure is similar to the Selective rack system.
  • Beam: Connects two load-bearing column frames on both sides of the rack row. This is also the guiding rail for placing palletized goods.
  • Protective barrier prevents automatic rack rows from colliding.
  • Support rails help secure the guiding rails safely.
  • Safety panel helps prevent shelves from sliding off the rails.

Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) Racks

ASRS stands for Automated Storage and Retrieval System, meaning a fully automated warehouse rack systems. With the intelligent ASRS racks, you can solve numerous storage, inbound/outbound goods handling, and management and labor cost issues.

This industrial ASRS warehouse rack system performs sorting, arrangement, and outbound goods handling completely automatically. The storage racks are divided and arranged logically and scientifically.

  • Upon inbound goods arrival: Goods placed at the conveyor's entrance will be automatically transported and sorted into the ASRS automated racks by robots.
  • Upon outbound goods departure: Similar to inbound goods, the robot systems and automated conveyor systems coordinate smoothly to retrieve or dispatch goods at the exit.

Structure of Fully Automated ASRS Auto Rack System:

  • Robot management software: Controls commands for each robot's goods retrieval and dispatch.
  • Warehouse management software: Used to check, and manage inventory quantities, goods conditions, etc., accurately without the need for direct human inspection. Everything is stored in the system and updated continuously.
  • Automated rack system: Designed similarly to other automated warehouse rack systems. Includes structures such as load-bearing upright columns (with supporting connecting bars), beam connections between load-bearing columns, guide rails, support bars (to stabilize pallets), protective columns, protective barriers, etc.
  • Robots: Comprising multiple robots for swift goods transportation in and out of the rack system. They collaborate with conveyors and automated conveyor belts at the inbound and outbound ends. The vertical lifting and lowering of the robotic systems ensure efficient and smooth goods retrieval.

Video of Automated Robot Racking - Smart automated storage system:

Smart racks are not the only option, as traditional warehouse racks are also an optimal storage solution widely used by many businesses today. If you want to learn more about traditional racks and evaluate the suitability of each type of rack, please explore here: Which Racking System is Suitable for Your Warehouse?

Which warehouses should use automated robot rack systems?

Due to the high investment costs, it's crucial to fully utilize the benefits that warehouse rack systems bring. For warehouses requiring continuous inbound and outbound operations with a large quantity of goods, manual labor is inefficient due to time consumption and the high risk of errors. Investing in intelligent robot racks facilitates automated transportation, and inbound and outbound operations, and simplifies management. Therefore, this type of automated warehouse rack system should be invested in for warehouses:

  • Cold storage warehouses with temperatures as low as -30°C.
  • Consumer goods warehouses such as food, grains, bottled water, canned goods, etc., for wholesale and retail channels on e-commerce platforms.
  • Various industry-specific warehouses such as logistics, pharmaceuticals, industrial manufacturing, chemicals, components, etc.

*Note: Maximum load capacity for the warehouse rack system should also be considered to design and store suitable goods.

The decision whether to use an intelligent automated storage rack system - Robot rack depends on various factors and the investment capability of the enterprise. Through sharing information about the types of intelligent automated steel storage racks above, Eurorack hopes that you will be able to choose the appropriate warehouse rack solution.|
If you have questions or advice, do not hesitate to contact Eurorack immediately.



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