Forecasting The Market For Smart Warehousing Equipment

  • 16/08/2024
  • Eurorack JSC

Smart warehousing equipment is indispensable and emblematic of modern warehouses. It's a model coveted by most large businesses, hoping to have their own. So, is this equipment important and does it have the potential for strong growth and returns? Let's delve deeper into this below.

Table Of Contents


Forecasting The Market For Smart Warehousing Equipment

Smart Inventory Management with Modern Storage Technology

Trends in Smart Warehouse Development

What is a smart warehouse?

A smart warehouse, also known as an automated warehouse, is where finished goods or raw materials are stored through storage technology, machines, robots, and automated management processes instead of relying on manual labor as before. Machine-assisted activities include safe and swift goods handling into the system, accurate locating of item positions, precise inventory count, and more.

Currently, modern warehouses are divided into two types:

Fully automated warehouses: All operations within this warehouse are performed 100% by robots, with features pre-set through computers or control devices. Managers only need to perform a few actions to access all information about a product and can operate a warehouse spanning thousands of square meters as normal.

Automated retail warehouses: Instead of being fully automated like automated warehouses, only a few processes are performed by robots, such as accessing goods into and out of the system, conveyor belts between the stages of product completion, packaging finished products, and more.

Trends in Smart Warehouse Design

Nowadays, in the digital age, the use of smart warehousing equipment is becoming an undeniable development trend. It has a significant impact on business productivity and differentiation in the fiercely competitive market today. This requires business owners to carefully consider upgrading their warehouses.

"Some small and medium-sized enterprises may not truly see the necessity of warehouse improvement; however, observing large enterprises, we see a gradual shift from traditional warehouse systems to smart warehouses to leverage the benefits that technology and automation bring.

This will become even clearer as the difficult economic phase passes, the market gradually recovers, human demand begins to increase again, and business activities become more vibrant. Certainly, at this time, the volume of goods will increase significantly, and congestion due to overload will be inevitable. Therefore, establishing modern warehouses has become more important than ever.

Forecasting The Market For Smart Warehousing Equipment

Using automated storage equipment is the foundation for managing modern warehouses.

The importance of smart warehouse equipment

A warehouse integrated with various robotic technology factors will create a professional operating environment and bring many benefits to both businesses and workers.

Optimizing space

One of the outstanding advantages of modern warehouses is the ability to maximize space savings. Thanks to optimizing the storage system and using accurately operating robots, businesses can efficiently utilize warehouse space, thereby reducing rental costs and enhancing the storage capacity.

High operational productivity

Smart warehouse equipment operates automatically and accurately, helping to enhance warehouse operational productivity. Thanks to process automation, the transportation, storage, and retrieval of goods have become faster and more efficient, enabling businesses to quickly and accurately meet customer demands.

Time optimization, cost reduction

Smart warehouses help optimize operation time and minimize errors caused by human intervention in the goods management process. This helps reduce operating costs and enhance work efficiency, while also minimizing potential risks in warehouse management.

Prospects and potential for the development of smart warehouse equipment in the future

Technology and automation are continuously evolving, creating great potential for smart warehouse equipment in the future. Manufacturers are increasingly investing more in researching and developing advanced warehouse solutions, thereby improving performance and integrating more modern features into warehouse systems.

The boundary between a warehouse and a factory will be removed because smart warehouse equipment allows maximum space savings, allowing factories to integrate into warehouses without the need for scale expansion. This helps save costs and time for transportation.

Forecasting The Market For Smart Warehousing Equipment

The prospect of modern warehouse equipment is to be present in most medium and large enterprises

What is the most advanced warehouse equipment today?

Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS)

AS/RS is an automated rack that enables smart warehouse management, with robots operating autonomously to move and retrieve goods accurately. Notably, this system requires no human intervention or forklifts during the process of moving goods within the warehouse.

To implement this racking, businesses need to have large warehouses and a wide range of products because the investment cost for this system is currently considered the highest among all types.

Shuttle Robot racking

The Shuttle Robot Racking is an efficient storage solution that utilizes robots moving on rails to retrieve and place goods on racks. This system allows for convenient and optimized storage of goods within the warehouse space.

For this racking system, robots only assist in the input and output of goods to and from the racks. Therefore, there are still warehouse operators to control forklifts for loading and unloading goods. This model appears to be more suitable for the majority of businesses in Vietnam at present.

Forecasting The Market For Smart Warehousing Equipment

The Shuttle Eurorack automated racking system is a suitable storage solution for the business model in Vietnam.

To successfully implement smart warehouse equipment, it is essential to understand the trends in warehouse storage in the new era. For more information, read the article: Introducing New Trends in Warehouse Storage Technology.

Why Use Eurorack's Smart Warehouse Equipment?

Standard Quality Products

Eurorack's intelligent storage rack features not only typical iron prices but also meets stringent quality criteria such as durability, load capacity, loading time, and modern surface treatment technology that greatly extends rack life. Additionally, high-quality iron and steel materials are imported from leading steel manufacturers such as Hoa Phat and Pomina.

Advanced Robot Technology Imported from Germany with accompanying certification and licensing for use in building intelligent storage rack systems.

Application of Automated Manufacturing Technology

Eurorack produces smart racks through a fully automated production line, where all stages from cutting, bending, stamping, welding, and surface treatment are performed entirely by automated machines.

Strict Inspection Process

After installation is completed, Eurorack's specialized technical team conducts a thorough inspection of the rack system to ensure safety and reliability before use. Based on this process, we support businesses in establishing operational procedures for workers to adhere to.

Long-Term Warranty Policy

Customers can rest assured when choosing Eurorack because our warranty policy for the system extends up to 5 years. If maintenance is required during use, we are ready to provide quick service without disrupting supply chain operations.

Exemplary Companies Successful in Implementing Smart Warehouse Equipment

Vinamilk, a Vietnamese milk brand, applied automated warehouses to its milk supply chain process in 2014, reaching consumers. At that time, the company owned multiple facilities, but its largest and most modern milk production plant was located in Binh Duong province, covering a total area of ​​20 hectares. The production capacity was about 400 million liters of milk per year, equivalent to nearly 9 combined factories at that time.

Thus, it can be seen that Vinamilk has a long-term vision for the milk market and is determined to lead the industry. To date, the company still holds the highest market share position.

Here are our insights into the market for smart storage technology in the future. If there are any shortcomings, we hope you can provide feedback to help us improve further.

Furthermore, if you also have aspirations to become a pioneering enterprise in your field regarding the use of smart warehouse racks, please contact Eurorack immediately for support.



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Address: No. 5/3 Doan Thi Diem Street, Ward 1, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC, VietNam